Sunday, February 1, 2009


I suck at blogging. Sorry.

I had a boss weekend. I got work at my first Disciple Now in Franklin, Texas. I know, I know it sounds really exciting. I got to go to the "rally" on Thursday night and see the kids that I was going to be working with and honestly, I was scared to death. I had no clue how I was going to relate to these guys. They all looked like they were way too cool to talk to me and actually not a single one of them said a word to me all night (Yes, I do realize that I am the counselor and I should have been the one to initiate the conversation, get off my back people). I spent most of Friday really stressed out because I had a ton to do and it didn't help that I was positive I was going to be the most ineffective being on earth that night. Well, God definitely made sure that I knew that I had nothing to do with how this weekend was going to go. When I first met me and Jordan's small group I may or may not have been a little worried... Long story short every single one of those guys blew me away. It's incredible to me how every thing that those guys were going through had happened to either me or Jordan. Why can't I just trust God to work? Why am I so scared that I am going to screw up everything I touch? Why does God keep blessing me and reminding me that I am a useful and valuable creature when I keep convincing myself I'm worthless? That's a rhetorical question. This weekend gave me a lot of confidence which is not at all what I was expecting from this experience. I'm tired of trying so hard to avoid being "that guy" that I loathe in my mind and not striving toward being everything that God meant for me to be. That's going to change, and I hope that the people that are reading this and everyone else that means so much to me will hold me accountable to that.

On a lighter note, I really want to start giving people nicknames. All of the guys in Franklin have nicknames: Rutter, Dees, Coot, D-Wayne, Big E. Matt is lame.

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