Thursday, October 9, 2008

I Love it When I'm Wrong

So these last two week have been a little rough on the ego for a couple reasons:

1) After being "sure" that I wasn't supposed to be a BIC, God made it pretty clear that I was wrong. I finally gave in and told Brett I wanted to do it and now I'm positive I'm going to have a new bestie. My BIC is legit. On a scale from 1 to 10 he's a 14. Also, I'm in Amanda, Lauren Shook, and Byron's family. I've always wanted to get to know Byron, what do you know, here's my chance.

2) Have you ever been afraid that you were going to send a txt message about somebody to that person? Well I have been, and guess what? I did. It was awful. The ordeal on the whole was really not that bad, but it messed me up for a good 24 hours. Ask Chad and Lauren, I'm sure they have plenty to vent about after I whined to them forever. It wasn't the fact that I finally got caught gossiping that really hacked me off, it was that I realized how much of a jerk I am. How could I do that to someone who means so much to me? In all likelihood, said somebody has never said a bad word about me, that's just the type of person he is. I don't think I have ever been more angry at myself than I was after this incident. It turned out to be okay, he wasn't mad at me, and I realized that I need to shut that big hole in my face once and for all.

3) I'm teaching a 4 year old Sunday School class at church, and I'm beyond awful at it. I get my stuff ready and I know what I'm going to say, but somehow it just seems that I can't get my point across. If I'm being honest, not enough prayer, and not enough preparation go into it, and that's something that I'm aiming to change this week, so pray for that.

Even after all this, I feel great about right now. School is going so much better now that I'm a psyc major, I got some accountability stuff started that has really been amazing, I have an amazing opportunity build a relationship with Kyle Hough (my BIC), and me and my roommates are really "clicking" lately. Praise God that even when I'm a retard and don't listen that He blesses me.

On a lighter, yet just as meaningful, note, my brother is a freaking stud.

Yes, yes I realize that his team lost, but come on, 375 yards in one game? That's insane. This kid makes me proud. In the last month, I have been referred to as "Chad's brother" two or three times, I have never had that happen to me in my life... the funny thing is, it made me so much more excited to be "Chad's brother" than to just be Matt Milburn.

Just for fun I will now include a list of my bubba's achievement's in the last two calendar years.

  1. 1st Team All State Running Back (Jr. Year)
  2. 1st Team All State Running Back (Sophomore Year)
  3. 2008 State Champion- 100m Dash
  4. 2008 State Champion- 4x100m Relay
  5. 2008 State Champion- 4x200m Relay
  6. 2007 State Champion- Baseball
  7. 2008 State Champion- Baseball
  8. Rudy's BV Player of the Week

Also, if you google him, the first link that comes up is his page on I'm officially the least talented person in my family, and I am completely okay with that!

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