Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Searching for Right

I just went on a 45 minute walk with one of the most legitimate people I have ever known, Justin Klossen. Who knew Glade Street had so much in store for us? What started out as a routine conversation about school and girls and friends turned into one of those talks where you know you are in the right place in the world, that you are exactly where the Lord wants you.

As we were talking I randomly remembered my favorite experience from high school. We were on my senior trip (it was actually an all high school trip but it was my senior year) and the chaperones gave us all some time just do whatever we wanted as a group. I was the only senior on the trip so I really felt like I should lead some super spiritual something that would change everybody's lives since this was pretty much my last time with everyone. Well I couldn't get anything out. I was all nervous and choked up and worried about people thinking I was lame and right when I got the courage to mutter something ridiculous.... someone chimed in. It was my shy, politically incorrect little brother. Out of nowhere he starts saying how he is usually a quiet person, and what he does say isn't always so nice, but that he really felt that he needed to share how special it was that he was there in Colorado with me on my last couple of days of high school. He told me how much he loved me and how much I meant to him... Best day of my life. No joke. After that we had like 4 hours of pure praise and worship and then a prayer circle. Not once did I ever wonder, "When is this going to end"?

I told that story to Justin and we talked about how those times are the most meaningful times you can ever have. You can almost physically feel God present. I honestly wish that those type of things happened way more often than they do. I love being goofy, but nothing is better than sitting down with someone and having a heart to heart. I'm getting better at that, and that's really funny to me because not long ago I gave up on the whole idea. For about a year or so I have been looking for someone or a group of people that I can just talk about deep stuff with. I've pretty much been forcing myself onto people and haven't really been met with open arms. I got really discouraged and decided that I must not be the deep type. Ever since I've stopped trying to force things they have just been coming naturally. Its also helped that I'm living with two of my best friends and have met some really cool people along the way. I'm enjoying the heck out of myself.

1 comment:

meredith said...

Get it! I absolutely love that you are a blogging machine! This may be stupid but I think Colorado is the perfect place to have intimate God time and fellowship. It's hard not to appreciate an amazing God capable of taking absolute nothing and creating absolute perfection.

P.S. way to be fancy with the pic and friend links!