Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'll See Your Brown Bear and Raise You a Lone Star

Whenever you ask someone about California, or Cali as non-Californians like to call it, everyone seems to paint the same sort of picture in their head. Sunshine, long, blonde hair, hippie-liberals, celebrities everywhere... It's all true, except for the long, blonde hair thing, and the celebrity thing, and the hippie-liberals thing. The granola out here is 3 parts liberal and only 1 part hippie.

One of the things I enjoy the most about the area I'm in is that you can't spot the Christians by their no shave November beards, Chacos, or Breakaway/Impact t-shirts. It has been an interesting, and thus far, fulfilling experience to be immersed in a culture full of people that think in a completely different way than I do. Although taking a break from the black-and-white of Texas has been refreshing, it's also been a challenge. I haven't quite grasped how making everything a gray area is productive or even justifiable, but I'm not going to give up on trying to understand. One of the most valuable lessons I've learned since moving out here is that just because I don't comprehend how someone else thinks or why they believe what they do doesn't mean that they're wrong.

Even with all of this enlightenment there are some admittedly petty things that I've been annoyed by: people say "hecka," as in "That test was hecka hard." That's hella stupid. Also, I know you're state is cool, but it's not as cool as Texas. I'd appreciate it if everyone would quit trying to one up with a state that's broke as a joke and is governed by the kindergarten cop. Lastly, cars are made with blinkers for a reason. It'd be sweet if you quit yelling into your bluetooth for a quick second and flicked that baby on every once in a while.

Oh, and maybe I lied a little bit about the celebrity thing. Me and Jordan spent an hour or so on Rodeo (long "a") Drive last week and saw John Stamos and Javier Bardem. For all you Gleeks out there, don't worry, I spoke with Uncle Jesse and he assured me that Mr. Schue was going to quit being a slut very soon.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Man in the Mirror

For some reason my dog has started treating me like the pet. She sleeps in my bed and doesn't get up unless I make her, she bugs me until I take her outside (even though she doesn't need to use the restroom, she just wants to go out and sniff stuff)... I don't really know how to explain it other than I've felt owned for the last week or so. Psssh, women.

To all you Rangers fans out there-all of your statuses are annoying. I understand that this is the first time in the playoffs in a long time, first post-season series victory, and that you have an inspirationally sober poster-boy... Slow down, get a hold of yourself, and don't twist an ankle when you jump off of that bandwagon when they don't win the World Series.

Grad School update: Gave my first presentation last Monday. It was a group gig and we decided that we would open with The Jackson Five's ABC (not as random as it sounds, it had relevance to the material we were presenting). We thought if we got up in front of everyone and grooved a little bit it would get the nerves out of the way and loosen everyone up. Not a single person danced, or cracked a smile. Not even my friend that has Michael Jackson decals all over her car, an MJ tattoo, and a personalized MJ license plate. Don't believe me?


Lastly, I saw a license plate that read GODS PHD. Super righteous, or super blasphemous. I guess I should have asked the Dr. Ba dum chhhhh.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I'm too School for Cool Right Now

Hello, ladies.

No seriously, I don't think a single guy reads this thing. That makes me a ladies man, right? Of course it does.

Grad school is in full swing. Couple hundred pages of reading a week, project here, paper there, test worth 45% of my grade around the corner... You know, the usual. Most of the material is really great and I don't mind doing the work for those classes. Even so, I still have those days where I wonder why the hell I signed up for 5 more years of school. You can all be assured that if I haven't become a pot smoking, gay marriage allowing, Arnold electing hippie and make it back to Texas someday that you'll be required to call me Dr. Matt. Start practicing, old people keep telling me that the years will just fly by.

It has definitely been an experience going back to Christian school. the thing that has thrown me off the most is the religious diversity in my cohort. We've got a Mormon, an Atheist or two, some Catholics, a bunch of non-denominational Christians, and one proud, right-wing, Western-thinking, Southern Baptist. Don't worry, I fit right in. Everyone here totally agrees with me. Not.

Not every week goes by as fast as I wish it did, but the one thing I have to look forward to is Therapy Thursdays at Marie Callender's. 2 for 1 drinks right after we get done with class for the week? You better believe that all of us are headed that way to start the weekend. The bartender knows my name, NBD.

Well, I miss you all at home, but I have made some great new friends here. I work out with Caleb and Matt, hang out with Tod all the time, Ashley and Lauren are officially "the girls", and me and Cory are basically the same person (except he's cooler and has a way better beard). Feel free to Facebook stalk any of them. They'll be the ones on my profile that you all don't know. I think you will all approve.

I'll be back in Texas for the Thanksgiving break. Hit me up and maybe I'll get to see some of you!

Keep it kinky.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The He-Man Woman Haters Club

All of you have probably seen the atrocity that is a guy's house at one time or another. Let's be honest, the majority of men (aka college aged males)today do not keep their house all spic-n-span all the time. I fall neatly into that category. I do, however, have random obsessive-compulsive moments where I clean everything. I had one of these episodes today so I thought I would take the time to snap some pics and show y'all my new digs!

This is the front. That little corner of roof on the far left is the owner's house. Directly behind their house is the pool. I have a sliding glass door that opens to it.
This is the kitchen. Just kidding.
Closet. Notice the ample shelf room for my shoes. How many pairs you ask? 31 and counting.
Dvd case/trendy bookcase and kitchen. My counter should look less bare once I get a microwave.
Living room, complete with adorable dog.

I know, I know, the walls are a little bare. Hopefully when mom comes out next week she'll show the place a little decorating TLC.

Lastly, I was feeling extra spicy today while working out and after being overtaken by the blaring music and the endorphins, I started dancing. Riley gave me a disgusted look and immediately went back to licking herself. Fail.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Girls Are Prettier in Texas

I bid you good day, lovers and friends.

Much has happened since we last partook in electronic literary communion. I've traversed the Pacific and visited Meredith, I've risked my life bungee jumping, I've met an Australian chap named "Mick" (yes, exactly like the legendary crocodile hunter from the epic 1980's films), and I've moved half-way across the country.

These happenings have rendered me what the kids today like to call "emo." In the last month alone I've felt homesick, ecstatic, exhausted, energized, adventurous, creepy, hermit-like, friendly, frustrated, on top of the world, and all too much of some lady's sweaty leg on a red-eye back to Texas. It's okay though, I hear mood swings are great for weight loss. I'll be California skinny in no time.

On a much happier and more committed note, even more of my beloved friends have been tying the knot, or at least making the bunny ears in preparation. I think I might start an engagement ring store in College Station catering specifically to the young Christian crowd, I'd make a killing. Look, getting engaged is the trendy thing to do people. If you aren't well on your way to hooking yourself a lifelong partner-in-crime then high-tale it down to the closest gathering of single Christians (might I suggest a highly charismatic church?) and put yourself out there. What's the worst that can happen? Ah, the excruciating sting of rejection, or worse, finding yourself a tease. Don't be mad, we were all thinking it...

I'm not bitter, I promise, and I really am doing just fine here in the City of Angels. Living alone is growing on me and once I make some friends I'll be just dandy. Thanks to all of you who have been keeping me sane with your text messages. Also, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone in Dallas before I left. Catlin, so sorry I missed you, but know that you are the inspiration for this post.

Lastly, if you are not utterly obsessed with the soulful rantings of Elliott Yamin, you should be. Check him out. May I suggest "How Do I Know" or "Can't Keep on Loving You."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Irie Mon!

Dear every radio station ever,
No, we cannot pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars.

Now that I have that off my chest...

Exciting time in life right now. The World Cup is on. Every. Single. Day. The only thing that bests this is the summer Olympics. I'm ready for Friday, I think we are going to beat the tar out of Slovenia.

I also just got back from a cruise with my mom and brother. We did the Caribbean tour, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel. I think Jamaica was my favorite of the three. The people were really interesting, but honestly, the part of the country we saw was a dump. It was kind of sad. I think my favorite part of the whole trip was the sunsets on the boat. e.g.:

No family vacation is without its trials and tribulations, but, overall, a really good time.

Hopefully by end of this week I will wake up and be able to see without glasses or contacts for the first time since the 3rd grade. What I'm saying is, I'm getting Lasik on Thursday! Honestly, I'm terrified. Something about some guy cutting into my eye while I'm awake is not too enticing to me. Nevertheless, I think I'm going to be happy with the results.

Last, but ABSOLUTELY not least, only 26 more days until me and Wes head to New Zealand. I've been reading the book that Mrs. Morrow got me so I think I'm ready to go.

I'll leave you with this: When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry wall. (Courtesy of Get Him to the Greek)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sa-lo-li wo-di (Fox Squirrel)

Finding a place to live and getting our current house ready to move out of is proving to be a pain my rear. Frustration overwhelms me. It'll all be over soon... I hope.

I went to 6th Street this weekend for the first time for my friend Ashley's birthday... Definitely an experience. I was the designated driver so I let the girls do all the drinking which meant I did a whole lot of people watching... I discovered that about half of the population of 6th St. post 10 p.m. is gay guys and creepy, old, single men. Not really my scene, but interesting to observe for sure.

Most exciting thing that's happened to me lately? Glad you asked! I'M GOING TO NEW ZEALAND THIS SUMMER! If anyone wants to go visit Mere with me, let me know, we'll figure something out.

Lastly, you may have noticed the title of this post. Let me explain: I used Rachel Foster's iPhone the other day... When I opened the browser it was on a Cherokee/English dictionary. Didn't know that was a popular language to translate... My guess, she's planning some sort of ritual dance like the one below... Oh how I hope I'm right. In my mind I imagine Rachel as the old lady and Bre Schiffer as Sandra Bullock... That would be EPIC.