Friday, October 8, 2010

I'm too School for Cool Right Now

Hello, ladies.

No seriously, I don't think a single guy reads this thing. That makes me a ladies man, right? Of course it does.

Grad school is in full swing. Couple hundred pages of reading a week, project here, paper there, test worth 45% of my grade around the corner... You know, the usual. Most of the material is really great and I don't mind doing the work for those classes. Even so, I still have those days where I wonder why the hell I signed up for 5 more years of school. You can all be assured that if I haven't become a pot smoking, gay marriage allowing, Arnold electing hippie and make it back to Texas someday that you'll be required to call me Dr. Matt. Start practicing, old people keep telling me that the years will just fly by.

It has definitely been an experience going back to Christian school. the thing that has thrown me off the most is the religious diversity in my cohort. We've got a Mormon, an Atheist or two, some Catholics, a bunch of non-denominational Christians, and one proud, right-wing, Western-thinking, Southern Baptist. Don't worry, I fit right in. Everyone here totally agrees with me. Not.

Not every week goes by as fast as I wish it did, but the one thing I have to look forward to is Therapy Thursdays at Marie Callender's. 2 for 1 drinks right after we get done with class for the week? You better believe that all of us are headed that way to start the weekend. The bartender knows my name, NBD.

Well, I miss you all at home, but I have made some great new friends here. I work out with Caleb and Matt, hang out with Tod all the time, Ashley and Lauren are officially "the girls", and me and Cory are basically the same person (except he's cooler and has a way better beard). Feel free to Facebook stalk any of them. They'll be the ones on my profile that you all don't know. I think you will all approve.

I'll be back in Texas for the Thanksgiving break. Hit me up and maybe I'll get to see some of you!

Keep it kinky.

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