Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The He-Man Woman Haters Club

All of you have probably seen the atrocity that is a guy's house at one time or another. Let's be honest, the majority of men (aka college aged males)today do not keep their house all spic-n-span all the time. I fall neatly into that category. I do, however, have random obsessive-compulsive moments where I clean everything. I had one of these episodes today so I thought I would take the time to snap some pics and show y'all my new digs!

This is the front. That little corner of roof on the far left is the owner's house. Directly behind their house is the pool. I have a sliding glass door that opens to it.
This is the kitchen. Just kidding.
Closet. Notice the ample shelf room for my shoes. How many pairs you ask? 31 and counting.
Dvd case/trendy bookcase and kitchen. My counter should look less bare once I get a microwave.
Living room, complete with adorable dog.

I know, I know, the walls are a little bare. Hopefully when mom comes out next week she'll show the place a little decorating TLC.

Lastly, I was feeling extra spicy today while working out and after being overtaken by the blaring music and the endorphins, I started dancing. Riley gave me a disgusted look and immediately went back to licking herself. Fail.

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