Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sa-lo-li wo-di (Fox Squirrel)

Finding a place to live and getting our current house ready to move out of is proving to be a pain my rear. Frustration overwhelms me. It'll all be over soon... I hope.

I went to 6th Street this weekend for the first time for my friend Ashley's birthday... Definitely an experience. I was the designated driver so I let the girls do all the drinking which meant I did a whole lot of people watching... I discovered that about half of the population of 6th St. post 10 p.m. is gay guys and creepy, old, single men. Not really my scene, but interesting to observe for sure.

Most exciting thing that's happened to me lately? Glad you asked! I'M GOING TO NEW ZEALAND THIS SUMMER! If anyone wants to go visit Mere with me, let me know, we'll figure something out.

Lastly, you may have noticed the title of this post. Let me explain: I used Rachel Foster's iPhone the other day... When I opened the browser it was on a Cherokee/English dictionary. Didn't know that was a popular language to translate... My guess, she's planning some sort of ritual dance like the one below... Oh how I hope I'm right. In my mind I imagine Rachel as the old lady and Bre Schiffer as Sandra Bullock... That would be EPIC.


Rachel Leigh said...

I'm free to be awesome, whenever and however I want.

e-qua u-s-di yo-na

big baby bear

Meredith said...

New Zealand 2010- HELLLZ yeahhh