Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sabotage I tell you!

Hello Blogosphere! It's been a while, a long while in fact. I would apologize for my absence, but let's be honest, nobody cares when they read an apology about not blogging in a while, so I won't.

It's been a weird couple of months... This past week is the first time I have been in College Station for a straight week since the 4th of July. Don't get me wrong, I love traveling, but I also love sleeping in my own bed. The last 5 weeks of my summer was spent in Germany. Best/most awkward/sketchiest/most drama filled period of my life. There was everything from the neighbor kids smoking weed out of an apple to crazy German rave clubs to sun-bathing in Croatia on the apparently topless beaches to a pub crawl in Prague to steamy affairs involving roommates being thrown out of their rooms for the entire night! I have to say that I have never been with a more diverse and "open-minded" group of people in my life, but most of it was enjoyable.

I'm going to skip over the month when I got back because it was mostly hectic and sad and nobody wants to hear about that.

Now that I'm back and settled in and living a semi-normal life again some strange things have been happening, and by some I mean 1. This morning I woke up and started the normal routine. After a shower and getting dressed I went in to brush my teeth and upon my assessment of how long it's going to be until I need to shave again I found a bald patch on my chin! Now, there are 3 possibilities of how this spot came about:
  1. It has always been there and I have been oblivious and you people have been nice enough not to point it out.
  2. A scar developed from something I don't remember between the last time I shaved and now.
  3. Someone sabotaged my chin hair and shaved a perfectly round bald spot while I was sleeping.
I'm going to trust my memory and choose option 3. An investigation will follow, I'll let you know how it turns out.

I'll leave you with this: Yes, that is our 72 year old professor wearing a sombrero after 2 Jaeger bombs and 2 margaritas. Oh, and the girl in the cowboy hat, that's our tour guide. And they say Germans can hold their liquor. Good times.

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