Friday, June 12, 2009

I May Have a Slight Obsession

SYTYCD has started and it has officially taken over as my favorite show of all time. Me and Steph are going all out this year... Who are we backing? Ha! Silly question. Evan , of course! He and his brother Ryan are the definition of awesome. It's a crying shame that Tony, Kapono, and Jonathan made it and Ryan didn't. Stupid. Oh well, he is auditioning for Season 6 today and he will for sure make it. (I'm friends with him on Facebook, so don't worry, I'll keep you updated on his every move.)

I finally finished putting a whole fiscal years worth of contracts into the new program at work... how many is that you ask? 662. Doesn't sound like that many, but let me assure you, doing the same thing 662 times in a row is no fun.

I finished the Twilight Saga. I really liked them, except the end of the fourth one. COP OUT. Oh well, on to Harry Potter.

I realized I'm leaving for Germany on 07.08.09.... That has to be good luck right?

1 comment:

Brooke said...

matt, i've been looking at your information for germany for a month. in fact i just finished your exit packet in which i left a little note ...

let's hang out soon. before you go gallivanting off to europe. and i want to re-read i'll be needing those books back ;)