Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh Hey Lil Mama, Can I Talk to You For a Minute?

So there have been a couple of things that have happened lately that have just made me laugh, or feel really uncomfortable, either way they brightened my day, and that's all that counts.

1) I was walking through that little parking lot between the Military Sciences building and that weird steam emitting structure on campus the other day when I see this goofy looking white dude trotting along. I know, that really shouldn't stand out to me, but he was wearing jeans, and a sweater, and listening to an iPod, he was jogging in a legitimate winter outfit... Anywho, me and this guy make eye contact and he has this look that's just screaming, "Hey, watch this." All of a sudden he swerves and tries to hurdle the traffic arm at the entrance of the parking lot. Key word- tries. He got his front foot over, but his back foot got caught, causing him to fall straddling the arm, which in turn racked the mess out of him and broke into two pieces. One would think that after that running wouldn't really be an option, but he just stepped over the now broken arm and kept running along like nothing happened!

2) There is this girl that sits on the front row of my Food Science class. Earlier this semester she thought it would be cool to lay across two chairs for the whole class... classy I know. Anyways, she has this little electronic game thing that she plays everyday, complete with a flip up blue plastic cover. Props to her for being brave enough to play that game every day on the front row of class, but even bigger props for playing that game in the front row last week when President Elsa Murano was guest lecturing. Needless to say, Mrs. Murano gave her a few dirty looks. Anywho, I came into class yesterday and looked down to see what this girl would be entertaining me with today. First of all, she had her hair slicked back into a ponytail, but this ponytail was composed of three separate braids... Secondly, she had her hands thrust under her armpits... through the neck hole in her shirt!! I burst into a fit of laughter that apparently caught her attention. That was awkward.

3) Last night Nathan's camp had a hangout at our house. Ryan Hancock "dropped the bomb" in our living room. I have a sneaking feeling that he is a really good dancer.

4) We had a quiz in Anthropology today. A couple of questions were over the book that we are reading, Guests of the Sheik. Honestly, I haven't even cracked the book open yet, and this will prove it to you. Here is the question verbatim:
The author of Guests of the Sheik is:
a) Stephenie Meyers
b)Elizabether Warnock Fernea
c) Charles Darwin
d) Jane Austen
I chose (a). I know now that she is the author of Twilight. Silly me. It's okay though, the girl next to me put Jane Austen.


Anonymous said...

you just made me l-o-l.

thanks for that.

meredith said...

hands down
favorite post