Monday, December 1, 2008

Remember That Time When Amanda Forgot How to Pronounce Bre's Last Name?

So I was Facebook stalking D Harter the Party Starter and found something that I decided I wanted to do, so thank you Daryl. Hope y'all enjoy. Also I found out that Bre has been reading my blog since I started... That makes me feel special. I would like to start an official petition for Bre to start her own blog. Any seconds on that?

10 Random Things About Me: I have had my ears pierced twice, my feet are two different sizes, I was almost named Merle Bell Milburn, I went to Christian school for 11 years, I graduated in a class of 2.... both of us were named Matt, I really want to produce twin boys, I'm a big fan of dark brown hair, when I was little the doctor told me I was going to be 6'4", I lived in a double-wide trailer for the first 6 months of my life, I have 3 step siblings, 1 step niece and another one on the way.

9 Ways to Make Me Happy: Make me pasta, have a dance party, have a good response to a compliment I give you, remember something random about me, give me a compliment, text me, make me laugh, go shoe shopping with me, play with my hair

8 Things to Do Before I Die: Skydive, get married, have a child, write a song, be a best man, learn to play the piano, love unconditionally, see all the personalities of someone with MPD

7 Ways To Annoy Me: Don't text me back, forget my name, interrupt me, don't match your clothes, honk at me, say something about how skinny my dog is, talk crap about me

6 Things I Believe In: God, love, myself, music can change lives, it's the effort that counts, there's a plan for me

5 Things I Strongly Dislike: Crooked teeth, Chuck Taylor's or whatever those hideous "old school" shoes are called, confrontation, girl pants on guys, commercials on the radio

4 Things in My Room: My dog's "room", my TV, dirty clothes, the most comfortable chair in the world

3 Things I do Everyday: Brush my teeth, pee, pop my back

2 Things I Want to Do Right Now: Take a nap, sit in a hot tub

1 Person I Want to See Right Now: My mom

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