Thursday, August 7, 2008

I've Run Out of Creative Titles

This is going to be random. Prepare yourself.

So I went and saw Pineapple Express last night. Funniest movie I have seen in a really, really long time! I'm usually not a huge Seth Rogen fan (that raspy cough and ridiculous babbling thing that he does in every single one of his movies annoys the mess out of me), but James Franco really leveled him out in this one. Seriously, the best stoner humor since Jay and Silent Bob. Now if I had gone and seen it with a couple of girls, probably not such an enjoyable experience, but me and my bromosexuals had a good time.

Me and Jennifer started a sticky note wall of fame at work. We have been kicked out of our cubicle, and now we share this little cubby hole with two bookcases and a piece of crap scanner. Not only did we get a downgrade in workspace quality, but now we are posted up right outside of our boss' office which makes slacking off much more challenging (yet so much more rewarding!).

I'm taking two weeks off of work starting after this Friday!!!! Its going to be awesome to have some real summer time even though there is no doubt in my mind that I will be magnificently bored by Tuesday afternoon. It's all gravy though, I'm going to try to get some stuff fixed up around the house and hopefully get this car situation sorted out.

I finished my first Psychology class and I stinkin loved it! I know this is going to sound cliche, but being out of engineering really feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I actually enjoy school now.

The Madisonville boys have definitely made the second half of my summer. I mean they haven't been the huge highlights, like July 4th weekend with Mal and her family, and or Dallas road trip with Bill, but they've been consistent. I see or talk to one of them pretty much every day and it just brightens my day every time! So thanks to Daniel, Wes and Jacob.

Tyson is awesome. I'm pretty stoked that our houses are going to be official house buddies this year. We just gained like 60 cool points.

I'm excited that Mere, Steph, Toni and Amanda are so close now. It's going to be a fun year!

I can't wait for Nathan and Andrew to get back.

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