Friday, August 8, 2008


I got my grade from my first Psychology class yesterday. I got a 99. Talk about a confidence booster. I couldn't even get a 99 on the gimme quizzes in Civil... I know getting an A (at least for me) is exciting in itself, but this is even better. It's so reassuring that this is where I am supposed to be. This is the first time that I have really been encouraged about school since I have been in college. Ugh, such a relief.

New Top 10 list!!!!!

Top Ten Absolute Favorite Things About Summer 2008
  1. Mallory
  2. Meeting/becoming bff's with Bill
  3. The Madisonville Boys
  4. Becoming a Psychology Major
  5. Wicked on Broadway
  6. Updates
  7. Volleyball
  8. So You Think You Can Dance
  9. The Movies (Pineapple Express, Batman, Step Up 2, Get Smart)
  10. Meeting So Many New People

Also me and Meredith have a new thing that is going to absolutely drive everyone we know insane...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't worry.

i still read your blog...

and i'm not even mad that you didn't list me ironing your 60 dollar dress shirt as one of your top ten favorite things...