Thursday, August 21, 2008

After A Week of Nothing...

Well, school is about to start and I am actually pretty excited about it. I am really stoked that I don't have any classes on my schedule that start with "CVEN" or "MATH"!!

The trip to the river this week was the best thing ever! Got to hang out with 3 out of the 4 house buddies, Mal, Toni, Jacob, Daniel and Anna... I got sick from eating at The Gristmill though which sucks cus now I never want to eat there again!

My all-time favorite piece of furniture is about to be brought to our house!!! The couch that has been in my dad's living room since I've been alive is going to be the newest addition to our living room! You can't even imagine how happy that makes me!

I think I am going to join Living Hope. It's about time that I man up and get involved with a church. I went to a hangout with Wes last night and it was not as awkward as I thought it was going to be.

I am officially in love with Wes Bailey, Bill Howard and Tyson Gaspard. The Lord has seriously blessed me with some of the most amazing older guys to look up to this summer, and the best part is they weren't in FLiC!! (not that being in FLiC is a bad thing at all, it's just nice to be able to talk about other stuff)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can't believe you don't want to talk about flic 24/7.