Monday, June 9, 2008

Staples Are SO Overrated

So I am lucky enough to have a mother who has worked her way high enough on the food chain that when I need a job, she can get me one in her office and make it seem as if I have nothing to do with her (so that the State of Texas is okay with it). No interview, no nothing. I just call up here and tell Tommy that I need a job this summer and SKADOOSH I've got one. Doesn't sound so bad right? Well I'm going to be a total brat and whine about it.

I worked here at the Texas A&M Health Science Center for two summers in high school, and now this summer. For those three summers the majority of my time has been spent pulling staples out of stacks of paper to get them ready to scan into our computer system. Why does every sheet of paper in our office suddenly have to be scanned into our computer system? Well about three years ago someone decided that the normal paper way was "innefficient" and that we needed to catch up with the times. GREAT idea, unfortunate catastrophe for me and a plethera of other student workers. Also, the people that put together these packets 5 to 7 years ago had a clear infatuation with staples. I sometimes come upon a page that, no joke, has 8 staples in it. Is this necessary? I think not. Come on people, paper clips are way cooler anyways.

On a more enjoyable note the last couple of days have been magnificent. My baller cousin finally got married after dating his gf for 8 years, Mallory finally came home from China, and I met a lovely young man named Bill H0ward. We had a bit of Matt imposed awkwardness for about a day, and then I got over myself and said hello. He's a baller.

Anyways, I hate that Mere was right about me. Give me a week and I will be an addicted blogger. But hey, what else is there to do when you get an hour break from pulling staples to watch the front desk? is only good for about a week at a time!

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