Monday, June 30, 2008

Switch up the flo.... plan.

Excitement overwhelmed me this weekend.

After not having anything planned, and spending the entire day on Friday perched in St. Joseph's waiting room nervously awaiting word on how my Grandmother's 6.5 hour surgery was going, I did not have high hopes for this weekend. Much to my surprise, it turned out to be one of my favorites of the summer so far. I got a glorious text message Friday afternoon that my good buddy Chard Barber was back in town for the summer. That in itself would have made my weekend. Life in the MACN house without the C, MAN was it boring. Saturday began around 11 a.m. when I finally made the strenuous decision to drag myself out of bed. Lunch with Micaela, Ben Ruhl and Jordan was an entertaining and much enjoyed start of the day. Afterwards I ran over to Billiam's residence where we watched numerous So You Think You Can Dance performances as well as quite a few Celine Dion music videos. After a short visit to Meemaw, the real work started. Home run derby. I fought hard and long, but in the end, Bill was too much for me and the others. Not surprising... The man is an animal. Sheer power, yet undeniable grace and dignity. A lethal combination by anyone's standards. I also got to meet some new people which was icing on the metaphorical cake.

Upon the arrival of my incredible roommate The Chad Barber from church on Sunday, we engaged in a discussion about the monotony of my bedroom (in a completely non-sketchy way of course). I expressed my concern about how Riley's crate was taking up the only corner that would be good to put my bed in and how I was not too happy about it. We brainstormed for a while and decided that the best option would be to loft my bed and put Riley's crate underneath it, in effect killing two birds with one loft. Riley's crate would be out of sight and my bed would be in a corner where I could snuggle with my abundance of pillows. For the rest of Sunday me and Chad set out on a daunting task that would, in the end, more than double the hair on our chests. Off to Lowe's to acquire the needed lumber, out to Dad's house to use his plethora of power tools, sweat pouring down our brows as we slaved away in the scorching garage. After four hours of work and driving, a lot of nails, charging a drill battery, a couple of treks up the stairs, and some finishing touches, my room had a brand new look. My mattress is now chest high and it takes a pretty good leap to get up there. It was magnificent waking up on top of the world this morning.

Today is my last full day of work. I'm excited about school starting tomorrow. Something must be wrong with me.

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